"this autumn I started my PhD, where my research topic is co-composed LIFE SIZE THEATRE in which way to make it possible for the performers and the audience to meet equally within the frame of a theatre piece, and my supervisor is Luule Epner.

the residency will focus on the stated topic. having dealt with it until now in a more written and analytical, abstract and hypothetical way, I will now for the first time engage with this theme physically and performatively, in physical space and in reality. in the last week of the residency, I will be joined by performance artist and philosopher Diego Agulló (GER/ESP) as an external eye and mentor.

The residency will end with a public showing, which will also be the first creative work of my PhD. it is currently entitled HANDSHAKE."

The showing will take place on April 15 at 17:00.

Kadri Noormets is an Estonian performance artist and director, copywriter and shadow writer. Her most recent performances are: “majandus/housing” in Voronja Gallery, “ümarlaud” and “mobiilsed definitsioonid” at Tartu Uus Teater, “maandatud tõotus” at Kanuti Gildi SAAL and “tõotatud maa” at Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava. Last summer she curated a summer exhibition “IKOONILINE. eesmärk ja ettekääne” in Voronja Gallery. Currently she's doing a PhD at EMTA, specializing in drama.

"Surviving the facts. Reflections after my dramaturgical advice during HANDSHAKE residency showing." – Diego Agulló

Residency is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia and by the Estonian Academy of Music’s EMTASTRA project (European Union, European Regional Development Fund).